I was introduced to Bob Ross in 2003 when I first saw him on television. I remember being really impressed by his painting style and thought it was fantastic that he could produce such beautiful paintings with ease in such a short amount of time.
Avidly watching Bobs TV shows, I decided it was time to have a go myself. I thought the best way to start would be to have a lesson from a multi Certified Bob Ross Instructor, amazed at the picture I produced from just one lesson, as are hundreds of Bob Ross pupils who attend my fun painting classes now,
I decided it was time for a career change and enrolled myself onto a Bob Ross Instructor Course.
I am now a CRI, CRFI, CRWI Certified Bob Ross Instructor, with over 15 years experience, including teaching on cruise ships.
I teach and demonstrate this rewarding 'wet on wet' painting technique.
So why not join me and lose yourself in 'THE JOY OF PAINTING'